Veidihornid – Reykyavík Iceland

February 2020 – During my recent visit to Reykyavík in Iceland, I was extremely fortunate to meet the inspiring and extremely welcoming president of the Icelandic Hunting Association, Áki Ármann Jónsson. He kindly offered me the opportunity to speak to his members via live streaming that evening and also invited me to a very productive meeting with a number of specialists at the Environment Agency. This actually led to the Minister hearing about BioAmmo and then requesting a personal briefing from Áki as he was so enthused by the fact that there is now a truly biodegradable and non-toxic cartridge available for his country. He even suggested applying the principle of the «polluter pays» to any cartridge that has any plastic in it. A great and visionary idea!

Whilst at the Agency I was also fortunate to be introduced to Ólafur Vigfússon, owner of Veidihornid, that has been serving the shooting and outdoor communities for over 20 years. This Game season they are hoping to introduce BioAmmo cartridges to Iceland too.

Ólafur outside his shop

The impressive range available inside Veidihornid

Beautiful Iceland from the air

Viking sculpture in Reykyavík Harbour